Soil Mechanics Assignment:
- Define soil mechanics
- *Write the definition of soil
- write the scope of soil mechanics
- who
is called father of soil mechanics
- * draw geological cycle of soil origin
- what
is block diagram
- what
are the assumptions made to draw block diagram?
- *draw block diagram of dry, saturated soil
and unsaturated soil
- * write the void ratio, porosity, specific
gravity water content dry density, density of soil solids saturated
- what are the methods to determine
moisture content of soil?
- what are the lab method of determination
moisture content of soil
- *in the method of moisture content determination
by oven drying method write the reasons of following
- why container should be good
heat conductor, airtight, rust proof material
- why we put container for 24 hours in the
- why we set temperature of
oven to 110 ± 5 degree
- write the different method of
determination of water content
- *write
the method for determination of moisture content by pycnometer method
- write the formula for determination of
moisture content by pycnometer method
- write the method of determination of
specific gravity by pycnometer
- write the formula for determination of
specific gravity by pycnometer
- system what are the method of
determination of field density
- write the sand replacement method for
determination of field intensity
- why
we use send passing Pro passing through 600 Micron and retaining on 300
- write the core cutter method of
determination of field density
- * what are the consistency limits
- define liquid limit plastic limit and shrinkage
- what
is plasticity index
- what
is consistency index
- *write the method of determination of
liquid limit
- where is the method of determination of
plastic limit?
- what is sieve analysis
- *what is d10
- define efficient of uniformity and
coefficient of curvature
- what is the difference between well
graded soil and poorly graded soil?
- why
we use semi log graph paper for determination of particle size
distribution curve
- what is the difference between
engineering property and Index properties of soil?
- what are the advantages of soil classification?
- *explain IS classification according to
particle size
- what
is the plasticity chart?
- * draw plasticity chart
- explain classification of soil according
to IS code, What are main groups of soil.
- what are the field identification test
for soil
- define permeability
- * explain Darcy’s law of permeability
- *list and explain factors affecting
- *Draw
diagram and write the method of determination of permeability by constant
head method
- Draw diagram and write the method of
determination of permeability by variable head method
- what is the effect of temperature on
- what is the seepage.
- what is flow net
- define flow channel, equipotential line
and field
- write the characteristic of flow net
- write the use of flow net
- *what is phreatic line
- what is the quick sand condition
- what is piping and how can be prevented
- what is the use of filter in the dam
- *write the difference between consolidation
and compaction
- * what are the factors affecting compaction
of soil
- *what is optimum moisture content and dry
- explain
proctor test
- what are the methods of compaction
different types of soil what is the suitability of any method for
particular type of soil?
- *differentiate between active Earth
pressure and pressure
- What
is Cohesion less soil
- what is cohesive soil,what are main factors responciblefor shear strength in soil
- what are the factors affecting shear
strength of soil?
- *what are the advantage and disadvantage
of direct shear test?
- what are the classification of shear test drainage
and compaction?
- what are the advantage and disadvantage of
triaxial test?
- *what is soil stabilization
- * what are the methods of soil stabilization?
- *for
which type of soil cement stabilization is used
- for what type of soil lime stabilization
is used
- * what are the factors affecting bearing
capacity of soil?
- *explain plate load test
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