Saturday 14 September 2024

Lab Manual for Liquid Limit Determination Using Casagrande Apparatus


Lab Manual for Liquid Limit Determination Using Casagrande Apparatus


To determine the Liquid Limit of soil using the Casagrande Apparatus and understand its significance in classifying fine-grained soils.

Apparatus Required

  1. Casagrande Apparatus (with a crank and a cup)
  2. Grooving Tool
  3. Spatula
  4. Sieve (425 micron)
  5. Evaporating Dish
  6. Weighing Balance
  7. Mixing Tools
  8. Water Content Containers
  9. Oven
  10. Stopwatch

Casagrande Apparatus Dimensions

  • Cup Diameter: 54 mm
  • Cup Height: 10 mm
  • Grooving Tool: ASTM standard with a width of 2 mm and depth of 8 mm
  • Crank: Should provide 2 revolutions per second


The Liquid Limit (LL) is the water content at which the soil changes from a plastic state to a liquid state. It is determined by measuring the water content at which a groove cut in the soil sample closes after being subjected to 25 blows from the Casagrande cup.


  1. Soil Preparation

    • Take about 120g of soil sample that passes through the 425-micron IS sieve.
    • Mix the soil thoroughly with distilled water to form a uniform paste.
  2. Setting Up the Apparatus

    • Place a portion of the soil paste in the Casagrande cup.
    • Using the grooving tool, cut a groove along the centerline of the soil in the cup.
  3. Operating the Casagrande Apparatus

    • Rotate the crank at 2 revolutions per second.
    • Count the number of blows until the groove closes for a length of about 12 mm.
  4. Recording Observations

    • Record the number of blows (N) and collect a sample of the soil from the cup for water content determination.
    • Repeat the process at least three times with different water contents, adjusting the water in the soil paste to obtain data points for a range of 10 to 40 blows.
  5. Water Content Determination

    • Collect the soil samples after each test and place them in moisture containers.
    • Determine the water content (w) using the formula:
    w=(WwetWdry)(Wdry)×100w = \frac{(W_{wet} - W_{dry})}{(W_{dry})} \times 100


    • WwetW_{wet} = weight of the wet soil sample
    • WdryW_{dry} = weight of the dry soil sample
  6. Plotting the Flow Curve

    • Plot the number of blows (N) on a logarithmic scale against the corresponding water content (w%) on an arithmetic scale.
    • The Liquid Limit is the water content corresponding to 25 blows.

Observation Table

Sample No.Water Content (w%)No. of Blows (N)Water Content Container No.


The Liquid Limit (LL) of the given soil sample is calculated from the graph and recorded.

Sketch of Casagrande Apparatus

(Draw a neat sketch with labeled parts: Cup, Grooving Tool, Crank Handle, Base, etc.)


The Liquid Limit is a key parameter in classifying fine-grained soils and understanding their behavior under varying moisture conditions.

Liquid Limit of soil using the Casagrande Apparatus method, according to the Indian Standard IS: 2720 (Part 5) – 1985.

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